
1810 NE First Ave
Portland, OR 97212

Masks encouraged, but not required.

Find the most up to date information about shifts, possible closures, and more on our Instagram.

The following shifts are open to the public for:

  • Part/Bike Sales
  • Donation Intake
  • DIY Bike Repair

Sundays: 11:00am-2:00pm

Looking to get involved?

Volunteer Orientation: 4th Thursday of every month at 7pm
Wheelchair Maintenance Workshop*: 2nd Tuesdays from 6-8pm
Alphabet Night*: A volunteer only bike-building shift centering underrepresented genders and sexualities in cycling. 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 5:30-8:30pm.
BIPOC Night*: In partnership with BikePOCPNW, a bike-maintenance shift open to all BIPOC folks. 3rd Sundays from 5-8pm.
Monday Nights*A volunteer only bike-building, education, and shop organization shift. Every Monday from 5:30-8:00pm.

Monthly General Meeting: 4th Tuesdays from 6-8:00pm (Meeting details are sent out to the general mailing list). Accessible to the public.

* If interested inquire at!



The shop accepts donations during our regular weekly open nights [Wednesdays and Thursdays 5:30-8:30PM as of Jan. 2023 -- please check our current open hours schedule and our Instagram for latest updates!]

• If you are giving us a bunch of bike parts (yeah!), please sort and organize them. We are a volunteer-run organization with limited storage space, so we greatly appreciate your efforts to help us keep our shop organized.

• We do not take electric bikes and ebike batteries. 

• While we generally welcome bicycles that need refurbishing and a new lease on life as well as most bicycle parts and tools, please refrain from giving us clearly non-repairable and non-reusable items (ie. broken frames, very used tires, old and smelly cycling shoes!).  Also, we may refuse to take in some types of low quality bicycles that are non-repairable (read more about this here or here!). Please understand that we reserve the right to refuse donations.

• For larger donations and If visiting the shop isn’t an option, you can send us an email with pictures and a description and we will see if a volunteer is available to pick up your parts/tools donation. We appreciate your efforts to bring items to the shop if you can! Please email us any donation-related question you may have!


Bike Farm gratefully accepts donations through PayPal, which are used to pay rent and bills at the shop, maintain our tools, and to support our ongoing programs to serve our community.

We are fortunate to be 100% volunteer-operated, and with no salaries to pay, our overhead is comparatively low. But the 2020 closure has had a serious impact on our finances. Our hours may have been canceled, but our rent wasn’t. Your patience and support are what keep Bike Farm afloat. A successful fundraising drive in late April 2020 carried us all the way through the year.

Revenue Distribution

Bike Farm Revenue for 2019: Hourly Tool Usage 7.1%, Used Part Sales 40.9%, New Parts Net Sales 9.2%, Refurbished Bike Sales 23.6%, Memberships + Donations 19.1%. Bike Farm Revenue for 2020 (down 19.3%): Hourly Tool Usage 1.6%, Used Part Sales 16.5%, New Parts Net Sales 5.8%, Refurbished Bike Sales 13.3%, Memberships + Donations 62.8%

No donation is too small, and because Bike Farm is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit, your cash or parts donation is tax-deductible. Our EIN is 26-1415141.